Miss World Danmark 2014 Show afholdes på Odd Fellow Palæ

I samarbejde med bladet Q, kan vi med stolthed afsløre at det storlåede Miss World Danmark 2014 Finale Show, bliver afholdt den 4. Oktober 2014 med Heino Hansen fra "The Voice", som aftenens vært. Dette års eksklusive location er Odd Fellow Palæet, som er en rokokobygning der blev opført i 1751-1755, og som danner point de vue for Dronningens Tværgade. 
Odd Fellow Palæet har med sine unikke omgivelser og lange historie, gennem tiderne budt mange prominente gæster fra hele verden velkommen.
25 smukke finalister skal konkurrere om Danmarks mest prestigefydte titel: Miss World Danmark 2014. Det bliver et eksklusivt red carpet arrangement med specielt inviterede gæster, VIPS, presse, modeshow, underholdning mm. Finalisterne kommer til at bære smukke kjoler fra Lucca i coctail og aftenkjole runden, samt bikinier fra Change.
Gæsterne bliver underholdt med optræden af Pharfar & Zindy i løbet af aftenen.

I år har vi ligeledes lavet et samarbejde med Dansk Røde Kors hvor vi samler penge ind til organisationen, samt samler indsamlere til dagen efter Miss World Danmark 2014 Finalen, den 5. oktober, hvor den store årlige Røde Kors-indsamling finder sted. Der bliver samlet ind til fattige og sårbare mennesker i verdens brændpunkter under overskriften 'Danmark mod katastrofer'. Vi er stolte over at være med til at støtte det gode initiativ.

Vinderen skal repræsentere Danmark til den ældste og mest prestigefyldte skønhedskonkurrence i verden, Miss World 2014 mod 130 andre nationer. Miss World 2014 finalen bliber i år afholdt i London, Englad i perioden 20. November til den 14. December. 
Den regerende Miss World Denmark 2013/2014 - Malene Riis Sørensen, skal give kronen videre til den kommende danske Miss World 2014 repræsentant.
Arrangøren bag konkurrencen er Lisa Lents, tidligere Miss World 2008 repræsentant og nuværende direktør for "Miss & Mister of Denmark". Efter Lisa overtog rettighederne til Miss World i Danmark tilbage i 2009, er konkurrencen vokset til den største og mest prestigefyldte skønhedskonkurrence i Danmark.

Tak til Årets hovedsponsorer: Odd Fellow Palæ, MOKAÏ - Heavenly Cider, Lucca & CHANGE, samt vores mediepartner Q Bladet!

Årets dommerpanel består af:

  • Lisa Lents - Direktør for Miss World & Mr. World i Danmark, Tidligere Miss World Danmark 2008
  • Lizl Rand - Chefredaktør på Q Bladet, Tidens Kvinder, Psykologi & Oestrogen.dk
  • Nicklas Pedersen - Den første danske Mr. World 2014 i historien
  • Alexandra Helga Ivarsdottir - Miss Island 2008 & Miss World 2008 Top 15 Finalist
  • Maya Celeste Padillo Olesen - Miss World Damark 2011
  • Lasse Spangenberg - Couture Designer
  • Surprise 

In cooperation with Q Magazine, the Grand Final of Miss World Denmark 2014 Pageant will be held on Saturday, October 4th 2014 in Copenhagen with Heino Hansen as the host of the show. This year’s exclusive location is the Odd Fellows Mansion, which is a Rococo town Mansion in Copenhagen, named after the local branch of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows which acquired the building in 1900. Before that, it was known as the Berckentin and later the Schimmelmann Mansion after its successive owners. The Building is located on Bredgade, opposite Dronningens Tværgade for which it serves as a point de vue. It houses a concert hall which is open to the public.

This year we have made ​​a collaboration with the Danish Red Cross where we raise money for the organization and collect street fundraisers for the day after the Miss World Denmark 2014 Final, October 5th, where the annual Red Cross street fundraising takes place. We will collect money for the poor and vulnerable people in the world's hotspots under the heading 'Denmark against disasters'. We are proud to help & support the good initiative.

25 finalists will compete for Denmark's most prestigious beauty title: Miss World Denmark 2014.
The pageant will feature an exclusive red carpet event with special guests, VIP’s, press, charity auction, fashion show and entertainment. The finalists will compete in beautiful cocktail dresses & evening gowns from Lucca & swimwear from Change. The winner will represent Denmark at the world's biggest & most prestigious pageant - Miss World 2014, which will be held in London from November 20th until December 14th. 
The reigning Miss World Denmark 2013 Malene Riis Sørensen will pass the crown to her successor at the end of the event at Odd Fellow Palace. 
We are also proud to announce this year's judging panel:

  • Lisa Lents - National Director of Miss World & Mr. World in Denmark, Former Miss World Denmark 2008
  • Lizl Rand - Chief Editor of Q Magazine, Tidens Kvinder, Psykologi & Oestrogen.dk
  • Nicklas Pedersen - Mr. World 2014
  • Alexandra Helga Ivarsdottir - Miss Iceland 2008 & Miss World 2008 Top 15 Finalist
  • Maya Celeste Padillo Olesen - Miss World Denmark 2011
  • Lasse Spangenberg - Couture Designer
  • Surprise

The pageant is organized by the former Miss World Denmark 2008 - Lisa Lents, director of the “Miss & Mister of Denmark” Organization. 
After Lisa Lents became the franchise of the pageant, Miss World Denmark Pageant has become the biggest pageant in Denmark.
A huge thanks to this year's headsponsors: Odd Fellow Mansion, MOKAÏ - Heavenly Cider, Lucca & CHANGE & also a big thanks to our media partner Q Magazine!

Vidste du at Miss World med sine 2,2 milliarder tv-seere er den 3. største begivenhed i verden efter OL og VM i fodbold?

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