Miss World 2013 - September 9th - 17th

September 9th

Hi everyone! 
Even though I only got 4 hours of sleep I have had a lovely and exciting day! We went to the beach really early in the morning to gaze at the fantastic sunrise and to realise baby turtles – they were so cute!
We also did the “Sport and fitness” elimination and the “Beach Fashion” elimination. In the evening we had a barbecue - it was really nice. Afterwards they announced the semi-finalists and finalists for the “Sport and Fitness” competition and the “Beach Fashion” competition. I was one of the lucky girls who became semi-finalist for the Beach Fashion – Yaaaay! Amazing! It made me very happy!
Tomorrow we will go support to our group for the Sports challenge – it is gonna be so exciting! I am really looking forward to it!

September 10th

Today we had the Sports Challenge! It was so exiting! Among other things we played Beach Volley and did tug-of-war. My team (blue team) won Beach Volley and got the 2. place in total. It was great and I had so much fun!
Afterwards we drove with our Miss World buses to a restaurant. I had duck and it was so delicious! I really like the food they serve here in Indonesia and I am definitely going to miss it when I go home to Denmark! 
Tomorrow we have to wake up early because we have to be ready at 5.30 am to go to the biggest temple at Bali – I am really looking forward to it! Goodnight everyone!

September 12th
Today we had dance rehearsals all day – it was very nice and I enjoyed it a lot because I love to dance! 
For lunch we went to The Hard Rock Café – I have been to the café before in other countries and I really like it because it is so cosy with all the music and instruments hanging on the walls and the atmosphere is just lovely!
For dinner we went to a sushi restaurant. I rarely eat sushi in Denmark so it was very interesting to try something new. Tomorrow we are going to a Safari Park – I can’t wait!

September 17th
Today has been a very relaxing day - it was so lovely swimming in the pool and having fun with the other girls. And of course we also had rehearsal. ;-) 
It was so nice to just sing and danse for a bit this evening!  We were really having a good time!! Goodnight everyone! ♥

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